How to stop dry rot of logs in Sacramento homes

A log home in Sacramento or any other city in California will last for centuries if you know how to prevent or stop the rotting of the logs in the log home once the process has started. Prevention of wood decay should be considered at the stage of material procurement, design and construction. But in the future the tree will need care.

Why the log starts to rot

Decay is caused by fungi and bacteria. These microorganisms release enzymes that destroy the cellulose, polysaccharides and lignin that make up wood. Elements of the log cabin become soft, deform, lose their shape and gradually turn into slumber. How to get rid of fungal colonies, you will learn in the article "How to treat wood from fungus and mold".

There are several causes of decay:

  • Poor waterproofing - wet wood will rot very quickly, especially in areas with high humidity.
  • Poor ventilation - lack of proper air circulation promotes decay.
  • Improper construction - a properly constructed house should have large eaves and canopies to prevent moisture from building up on the walls. Then the log house will not get wet and rot.
  • Inadequate treatment of wood during construction. Wood used in the construction of a log home should be impregnated with antiseptic solutions that destroy microorganisms that cause rot.
  • Inadequate sealing of joints between logs. Some joints of log house elements, for example, the traditional "Russian bowl", should be caulked after shrinkage. Otherwise, water will enter and rot will begin. Therefore, it is better to join logs in the "Canadian bowl", which does not lose tightness over time.

Important note! There is a misconception that log cabins made of one type of wood rot, and those made of another do not. In reality, everything depends only on the correctness of the project, quality of construction, arrangement of waterproofing and competent maintenance. If all these requirements are met, any house will serve for a very long time.

How to stop dry rot of logs in Sacramento homes
How to stop dry rot of logs in Sacramento homes

How to identify decay that has begun

There are two mechanisms of decay, each with its own set of signs:

  • Destructive decay is caused by microorganisms that destroy cellulose. Wooden elements are covered with gray, black, blue veins and stains. Parts of the log cabin are deformed, cracked and crumbled. Severely damaged wood can be rubbed with hands to dust.
  • Corrosion - occurs when microorganisms attack lignin, a complex organic compound that gives wood its strength and attractive appearance. This type of decay leaves holes, pits, and depressions in the wood with white cellulose residue.

Important! Fungal spores that cause decay in a log cabin can be harmful to the respiratory system and cause allergies.

In rotten wood, beetles breed and eventually destroy it. How to get rid of them you can read in our article How to treat wood from bark beetles;.

Decay is accompanied by an unpleasant damp smell. The microclimate in the house is spoiled, the rooms become uncomfortable.

How to stop log rot

To stop log rot, remove damaged fragments and treat with antiseptic. Use a respirator, goggles, and gloves to avoid irritating the skin, respiratory system, and mucous membranes of the eyes.

How to Prevent Log Cabin Rot

Log cabin rot can be prevented at the construction stage:

  • Choose a project with a wide roof, large eaves and baffles to prevent moisture from getting to the walls.
  • Properly calculate the height of the foundation during construction. For small buildings up to 6x6 meters, the distance from the ground to the joist should be at least 60 cm. For larger buildings, the height from the ground to the first crown may be one meter or more.
  • Proper waterproofing is important. To prevent the walls from soaking due to capillary rise of water, you need to apply two or three layers of waterproofing or roofing felt before applying the bottom crown. Insulate the roof and window openings where moisture can enter.
  • Make vents in the subfloor - holes for ventilation, one every 4 meters.
  • This will help prevent rotting of the pavement - a covering around the house made of asphalt or concrete. It will protect the log house from getting wet when the snow melts and during heavy rains.
  • Well protects against rotting wooden buildings cladding with siding and other finishing materials. But in this case, the natural beauty of wood is lost.

Be sure to inspect all surfaces of your home twice a year. Pay particular attention to the roof. The most vulnerable areas are the eaves and ridge, which are most often found to be rotting. Then inspect the attic for leaks and mold.

Carefully inspect the walls. Although the wood is treated with an antiseptic during manufacture, the protective layer is destroyed over time. At the first signs of rot, you should immediately stop its spread by repeated antiseptic treatment.

Important! Do not wait until the walls show signs of rot. Immediately repair all leaks and make sure that the house is not damp.

And it is better to entrust such work to specialists. Contact Nico Pro Construction, which has extensive experience in preventing and treating wood from dry rot. Call us right now for a consultation on the cost of dry rot wood treatment.

For quality How to stop dry rot of logs in Sacramento homes, call (916)-284-3669 or contact us online
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